Ethel Fletcher Gibson

Profile Updated: July 5, 2019
Residing In: Greensboro, NC USA
Spouse/Partner: Dunbar P. Gibson, Jr
Occupation: Retired Speech-Language Pathologist
Children: Dunbar Gibson III
Dawn Gibson Spinks
Yes! Attending Reunion

Recently moved (Oct.27, 2017) to Greensboro, NC from Mesa, AZ
Had wanted to retire to NC since years of driving daughter to UNC-Chapel Hill from Philadelphia area. Now located here to be near daughter and hubby and watch our now 10yr. old grow.
Same email address and cell number.
7/5/19 Celebrated our 50th wedding anniversary June 14th. Our son and wife flew in from CA, hired a photographer and joined our daughter and family to document a lovely dinner for us all at a wonderful nearby restaurant. Our theme (via balloons and banner) was '50 Years Blessed'.

School Story:

After Soldan I attended S.I.U. Carbondale for my bachelor's degree in Speech-Language Pathology. Then on to University of Illinois for MA in Speech Pathology. Served as Speech Therapist in Jacksonville, Ill. and St. Louis Public Schools, taught at Florissant Valley and Speech and Drama at Morris College in Sumpter, S.C. In 1980 We moved to Bucks County, PA where I was a public school Speech Therapist for 28 years.
Thanks to the teachers at Soldan for a strong foundation for higher education. Thanks to my classmates for such a meaningful multicultural experience for the early years of integration. That was as much a preparation for my future civil rights experiences as anything. Love you all.